Heat Jersey Tiers. Thoughts?

Heat Jersey Tiers. Thoughts?

  1. Which Jerseys other than Vice do you want to see the Heat bring back? Personally I’d down for a return of White Hot since we haven’t seen it for awhile

  2. LMAO, he reposted after I asked😭. Why are the trophy gold jerseys so hated? I thought the idea behind them was cool

  3. I would have Floridian much higher and the all-black would be at least A for me. Oh and the yellow abominations would be at F tier for me

  4. I don’t understand how you can like the Vice’s without liking the Floridians. All of them deserve S and A tier 

  5. I know I am probably in the minority but hate the Pepto bismol jersey. Don’t mind pink, just way too much.

  6. Man. Thinking back to Whiteside in those trash Military Appreciation jerseys or whatever those were. Dark times.

    I’d swap the white Floridans jersey with the terrible sleeves one with the giant white logo.

    El Heat should be D tier. Do El Calor you cowards!

  7. The tshirt jerseys need to be in D tier. I wouldn’t mind the black ransom note jerseys in B (same for the white one)

  8. Mitchell n Ness Hardwood classic in D tier, ~~and no classic home jersey in S tier.~~

    That’s enough. Opinion invalid.

  9. I own half of your “D” tier list and two of those half are authentic you fuck! Care to guess which ones those are? Winner gets a prize

  10. Imo S tier would be…

    – Home Floridian, home & teal Vice, 90s home & away, and current red alt

  11. Floridians jersey in D tier is crazy..you’re also missing the Black Tie jersey

  12. core set of white, black and red should all be S tier.. You should be seriously proud of those jersey’s they almost seem irreplacable like the bulls core jerseys

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