I say we pick Legette at 33 just because of his accent

The accent perfectly represents the Carolinas

I say we pick Legette at 33 just because of his accent
byu/Specialist_Ad6034 inpanthers

  1. I was not expecting him to have that deep of a voice but I can say this made more of a Legette fan than I already am.

  2. i’ve fallen victim to pro days but he looks like a tank. Could be a physical bruiser WR that we need

  3. I’n Legette over Coleman all the way, I would rather have DK Metcalf at home than a skinnier Kelvin Benjamin.

  4. Leggette is who I’ve wanted from the beginning. Deebo 2.0. I am a USC grad so this is completely biased. Plays through pain and minor injuries and blows up defenders.

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