Jahmius Ramsey windmill dunk (when’s the last time you’ve seen a Raptor windmill it?)

Jahmius Ramsey windmill dunk (when’s the last time you’ve seen a Raptor windmill it?)

  1. I feel like we haven’t seen one since Norm or TRoss. Someone remind me if I’m wrong 😅

  2. The context of this was hilarious- meaningless game, losing to bad opponent, fringe making the team and a few screw ups from not being called back- yup let’s windmill dunk it

  3. First time iv seen Ramsey play. He really impressed me. He’s a strong guy who can move his feet and takes pride in defense! He’s got a good handle as well. I had to look up his size and he’s listed at 6’3 190lbs?? No way that’s correct. I’d say he’s 210 easy

  4. I remember when Amir Johnson was on the team he did a windmill once. Was nice to see since a lot of his athleticism started to go once his knees got worse

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