[Highlight] Maxey fights through 3 defenders for the incredible bucket

[Highlight] Maxey fights through 3 defenders for the incredible bucket

  1. incredible play! if anyone thinks this league isn’t rigged though, wew lad enjoy it!

  2. but if you breathe on the running back while he takes 7 steps to the rim its an automatic whistle

  3. Maxey is the most talented player in the league(I didn’t say best, I said talented) when you consider his whistle. I’ve never seen a player as offensively dominant as him, not get the whistles.

    This isn’t TobI soft shit, he’s powering through 3, THREE guys at 6’2

  4. He’s honestly too fast and too good at dodging contact. Lol.

    Like I can’t totally fault the refs. He needs to adjust to being a star and selling the contact. Can’t just get up off the floor and look at the ref after looking like motherfucking Neo in the air every time.

    I’m not criticizing. It’s impressive. But he’s gotta learn how to hit the floor “hard” live Iverson used to sell and he will start getting that whistle.

    With this play I have to assume the ref is holding his whistle on hooking (which he learned from Harden). But who knows.

  5. fucking rigged. 100% coordinated effort to not give him free throws. shitty social media league

  6. This is why I’ll NEVER feel bad about Embiid getting 10FTs a game. If he didn’t, like nobody on our team would get FTs and that’s why we’re so bad without him.

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