Nickleback is Canada’s Metallica

While the loss was disappointing, Al had an outstanding night tonight. He has had me in stitches since he joined the Kraken Audio Network, and his chemistry with Everett is great. I was sad when Dave went up to Vancouver, but he has done a great job in filling in the role. He's said some out of pocket stuff that made me wish the radio had a pause button because I was laughing so hard. If you guys haven't listen to the guys on the radio, check them out.

  1. As much as I love watching the games, I love the theater of listening instead, and they always do an amazing job.

    When I heard him say that tonight, I just about lost it. That was classic

  2. I was listening at work on my headphones & that shit cracked me up lol “not sure if its an insult to metallica or a compliment to nickleback” hahahaa

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