Logo Redesign Draft

I wanna hear your thoughts kings fans, this is just my first draft of a complete redesign of all kings branding.

  1. It’s cool. I still miss our 90s crest. Love the outline but not the big LA in the middle tbh

  2. The shading on the crown is odd—the shines are mirrored so the light sources seem to be coming from conflicting angles.

    The hockey sticks under the main gem feel out of place, and are disconnected from the points right above them.

    The main body of the logo seems very under-detailed, and the outline on the “LA” feels unbalanced, because it outlines the entire logo rather than the letters themselves.

    The tails of the “LA” sticking out cause the entire logo to be asymmetrical, and the silhouette is pretty unattractive.

    The crown above the symbol looks too much like every Sacramento Kings logo, a mental association I’m sure the NHL wants to dissuade as much as possible.

  3. Not mad. Pretty dope.

    I was thinking of doing a coat of arms style with a lion wearing a crown, but I’m no graphic designer.

  4. To me, it looks like the crown is made of glass, almost like a tiara.

    It bothers me that there is a blank, black shield. If the LA was actually inside the shield I might feel differently.

    The mostly reminds me of the black and white Stadium Series Jersey which I don’t think is anyone’s favorite.

  5. I like the attempt but the crown part is too loud IMO. Is the crest supposed to resemble the interstate markers on the freeway? That’s a neat addition.

  6. The crown is too busy and the shield is too plain. Overall it ends up being even more boring than the current home plate design, the worst logo in hockey.

  7. So others have already commented on this and I’ll defer to their critiques, but I just wanted to say as a fan that into the game through the Kings, there are two options I would most definitely prefer if they abandoned the home plate. 1) The Chevy, maybe in black and white instead of silver, or 2) the old coat of arms from the 2000s rendered in black and silver.

  8. Thanks everyone for the critique! Plz remember this is a redesign project , not a “go back to the Chevy” project

  9. The top is more detailed than the mid-to-bottom making it feel like it’s 2 seperate pieces versus one cohesive constellation.

    The ‘l’ pulls too hard to the left.

    The type seems different than the illustration.

    The sticks are too small.

  10. Fellow designer here.

    The critiques here are pretty harsh, but I’m not surprised. Anything short of a throwback to the Chevy logo will probably not be well received regardless. It’s just too iconic to this franchise. Just like if you attempted to change the Lakers logo most people would not be receptive to that change.

    That said, I actually like the redesign but I see it more as a shoulder patch piece than a main logo. Someone else mentioned the interstate sign shape and now I can’t unsee it. It reminds me of the Freeway Face-off logo they use when the Ducks and Kings play each other. Last thing you want is your favorite team reminding you of the countless hours spent in LA traffic. Refinement to the shield shape might help.

    Good luck, interested to see where you ultimately land.

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