“Everyone who isn’t us is an enemy.”

We are Villains. 🦹🏽‍♂️

  1. Imagine being so good at hockey that all of the other teams can’t stop thinking about you.

  2. Man i never thought I’d be a natural fan of one of the best teams in a league that everyone else hates, I gotta say i really like the feeling 😎💪🏽 GO KNIGHTS GO!!!!

  3. we live in the heads of the rest of the nhl rent free, we even have two parking spaces

  4. Is this real?! I don’t see it on r/hockey or r/nhl and I figured they wouldn’t be able to resist this. This is the best thing they could have said about us. We’re number 1 and it’s us against the world.

    Honestly, if this is real, this is awesome.

    Edit: Seems I was looking at an old list. Most current one has us at #1. Sorry for the mixup.

  5. The reason we get to poke at you guys, is because you don’t even know if you’re just bandwagon fans or true fans. You have to suffer to prove you’re legit.

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