Sabres @ Canucks 3/19 | NHL Highlights 2024

Tage Thompson down into the corner Alex CH up to  Thompson long WR shot to Smith swallows that one   up as Tyler Myers did a good job of Elias SL will  get that one down the ice and that’s something  

Rick Cher was lamenting this morning Savers keep  it in and here’s darene stop rebound cousins   couldn’t pull it around the Golder and Teddy bler  is able to come up with a loose Puck and send it  

Down the ice GT Miller with a face off Wing que  Hughes his shot stop by Lei Lo of the treas and   it slid right back to the goal team cousins to  the vanc line couldn’t get much on his dumping  

And Hughes sends the puck the other way hoglander  in on the right wing drops for p across for Hughes   had to take it off the boards and he threw it  towards the goal and it’s in I think the P’s in  

I don’t know how it got in it almost looked like  the Hugh’s initial shot got in over the line and   the conu with a weird one another early goal as  they open the scoring here against Buffalo H will  

Go wider than n and it’s stuck on oh it’s already  in right it’s the second poke that looks like it   in my opinion would be a problem but that rebound  is already in the net yeah it’s the backand that  

Garland shoves to the net the Sabers coaches are  all looking at their tablet you can see the Puck’s   already in here’s Miller JT Miller into the face  off Cent cter stop goes after the loose Puck and  

The Sabers able to clear to the side Hughes at  the Blue Line 20 seconds to go in the power play   Miller across oh one off a buffalo stick and Levi  had to make a save there off his teammate Rosas  

Dalene here’s Hughes puts one towards besser that  was tipped Away by Dalene who now gets the p on   the back end sends it up the boards kept in by  Hughes penalty comes to an end throw one on goal  

And sud couldn’t steer it centered again sud turns  with a shot and Levi makes the same lolm got his   sticking there Puck up in the air Canuck punch  it away and lolm able to Tip It Forward he’ll  

Give Chase but Genson gets to the puck ahead of  him LOL lifting his stick throws one in front   Lefty stopped by Levi and the puck goes off his  shoulder and over the glass Garland spinning on   the near Bo gets away from Tyson Jo he shoots  stop rebound home Garland banging away PU loose  

And Diving out his Levi to cover the puck as Conor  Garland was making things happen again Faceoff win   for the Savers Conor Clifton able to get the puck  not outside the line they say Susi kept it in he  

Centers off the post Suter with the redir I think  the Savers thought that puck team outside the line and it’s still one- nothing Vancouver PW  Suter back hands one to Brock besser ahead to   JT Miller Susi going to the net Miller drag move  hits in shoot sto by Lea challenge the only goal  

In the game for go CH interference but lost besser  sees Miller ahead he gets the punt oh he’s stopped   by Leva set play and JT Miller skated right into  that one here’s Quinn Hughes using his skating  

Ability to create this chance that besser all  the way down the ice and Miller walks into this   slapper I would say in previous games though  when they missed Skinner in wraparound try and   coming across was to Smith to cover the puck in  the crease and get the whistle can get into the  

Middle which is where he’s normally played or  prior to this year ra Cent is L TI to into the   glove of Le with Lind Holm tonight as he’s  skating with a purpose in the first period  

He skated a long distance to get to a loose Puck  lift the stick from gurgenson and sett but now he   gets the puck in the corner Neils holder behind  the net Garin chees it up Susi stopped by Levi  

Challenged on top of the crease and made a nice  save there more to go and he ends up taking the   hit from Myers really good work from hoglander and  Garland then M came back to Crasher things Herona  

Ahead to patters across and here’s M alone he GS  stop there’s going to be at least a penalty and   it will be a holding C now he gets on his horse  and comes back through the neutral zone there’s  

The penalty that’s a good save by Levi as MF wants  to take this strong across the net Hughes has made   his way onto the ice here comes Pon two along with  Garland Alias Pon towards left Pon centers Garland  

Was In Too Deep KN maintain possession of the P  Hughes Miller shoots kicked out Pon scores the rebound back hand to the bar and Alias  Patterson on the power play makes it two nothing previously Garland missed that early  chance and here’s Miller out on that left wing  

Skates downhill into the shot I think this is  the place he’s most effective on the power play   the save by Levi and there’s Pon who digs  around the front of the net he goes through   the eyes of Levi the rebound and P’s made it  two nothing the attack again Hughes in front  

K on soon was stopped and then the rebound B  couldn’t get out to go Puck is sent out Yoki   har pressured by m and he comes up the puck  here’s L backhander stopped by Lea another   strong play by alien MF mcf continues his  strong night he pushes Yoki Haru off the

Puck that was the one where they were the  least direct though it’s the latter part   of it they started pass pass pass again  now a turnover by lyol and the Smith had   to make a sharp stop off Tage Thompson and  Ender Smith cleans this one up after the turnover D for

Tuck he steps in over the back of a blue line  power to do Beats a couple of Canucks gets ready   to R to the back and he scores Rasmus Dalene  able to get right through and he beats Casey  

To Smith with a back hand to make it a one goal  game we’ll take this little dish from power and   then he works his way around lindol but not  a very aggressive play Here by heroni as he  

Ends up deep seven minutes to go on the third  Hughes Heron Oman gets to the front R shot stop   big rebound Oman shoots kicked out by Levi got  the right skate on that now it’s centered yeah  

He swatted it with his hand good play shot back  in by darene Myers under pressure from Thompson   he’s taken to the ice by sus C comes free Cole  Pok down it saers get it w out try picked off  

Here’s Miller ahead to Pon got a go in the  game already makes a move and there’s number two Alias Pon with a three-point night really  good positioning by JT Miller way down deep from   the slot he intercepts the centering passing  as sudor skates up the ice it gives room for  

Patterson to step into the middle tuck sends  it around patteron first man to the P tried   to reverse Greenway cut it off behind the goal  tried to Center comes all the way back here’s   darene loads up shoot scores don’t go away yet  20.7 seconds remaining and rosmus Dalene blasted  

That one home he’s talking over to see if was  tip but I think it’s his second and it’s 3 to2   as the Canucks don’t get the puck out a couple  of times it stays alive and Dalene shot it’s on  

Edge oh it hits the right leg of zidor off going  wider than n rolled wide of the goal here’s do   to Center knocked down by sud Garland gets to  the ahead to bler trying to end his drone stop  

Rebound stopped again couple of saves for Ras  D but there’s a penalty on the play for Slasher   Sushi will just skap to the puck let time expire  in the Cs now 2 one and one on this Homestead  

Casey to Smith not super busy but strong for  the Canucks a three-point game for that man

Extended highlights of the Buffalo Sabres at the Vancouver Canucks

00:00 1st period
03:03 2nd period
05:47 3rd period

  1. I honestly thought giving penalties seconds from the game ending was just an NHL videogame issue but here's to this game proving me wrong once again😅

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