Potentially some more context: The incident [Sutton]’s facing charges for took place March 7, day after he was scheduled for a hearing in a paternity lawsuit against him in Tampa court. That case now has a hearing May 6.

Potentially some more context: The incident [Sutton]’s facing charges for took place March 7, day after he was scheduled for a hearing in a paternity lawsuit against him in Tampa court. That case now has a hearing May 6.

  1. Best way to prove you’re a fit father is to beat the mother. That’ll convince the judge real fast. /s

  2. Sounds very sus. Not saying Sutton is not guilty or endorse his behavior to not work with law enforcment, for all we know he could have been given some really bad advice.

  3. Sounds like a real loser in conjunction with the gay bashing he was doing on social media in response to fans criticism following our playoff loss.

    Not a Campbell kind of guy. Big turd

  4. Shout out to cam for helping us get out from under that albatross of a contract. What a complete and utter loser of a human being

  5. I’ve lost a few friends over custody fights. They manipulated eachother/the courts and stretched the truth to its maximum.

    Not absolving him, I’m usually team accuser off-rip. BUT, I’ve seen good people become wildly skeevy over custody and significantly less in child support.

  6. Im surprised these contracts dont have some kind of bad behavior clause in them..

  7. So we’re guilty until proven innocent now? We really think no girl would lie? Not saying she’s lying but let’s not condemn him to hell just yet.

  8. Some humans, man. Say nothing for the scumminess – dude had 9 million dollars coming to him and he chose to light it all on fire.

  9. Yeah I’ll pass judgement after this plays out in court instead of hot taking because we have one side of the story.

  10. I’m not defending what he did at all and, if true, he deserves prison, but I’m starting to get a little worried for the guy. He could be in a ditch somewhere dead for all we know.

    Here’s what the story seems like to me based on current reporting:

    1. He had relations with a woman who became pregnant.

    2. When he found out about the pregnancy, she denied it was his child. He thinks it’s his child and was willing to do the right thing by going through the legal process to prove paternity and gain custody.

    3. The court process has lasted since October 2022, when he was still in Pittsburgh.

    4. The woman was fighting very hard against paternity testing and, perhaps through her own counsel, was trying to shut down the proceedings.

    5. At some point, a paternity test was done. Results possibly pending.

    6. There was supposed to be a hearing on March 6. The woman doesn’t show up. Sutton’s counsel moves to hold her in contempt.

    Here’s where things get bad. This is one one of those high pressure situations where weak men find themselves under the influence, pacing back and forth in their house alone, and thinking of doing things nobody should do, taking matters into his own hands.

    I hope Sutton gets the help he needs and, if guilty, justice is properly served. I just hope he hasn’t hurt himself or others in the two weeks since anyone has heard from him.

  11. When I saw the headline “Cameron Sutton on the Run,” my first thought honestly was “couldn’t be worse than Cameron Sutton on the pass.”

    Hope this gets resolved quickly.

  12. Amazing how dudes can’t keep their lives in order between seasons. Especially with a team like the Lions. Draft a couple corners. Give the Sutton #1 to JAMO.

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