Make it a Barn you cowards!

Flames/CoC new arena could/would/should be shaped and styled like a barn. Too many branding synergies. Barn keeps up the western theme. Barns are slang for rinks. Barns are red, the flames are red. Plays great intot the stampede and country music scene. Even the architecture lends to the full array of planned uses.

  1. Modern architecture might not be cool, but it is practical, what are we gonna store up there, mike smiths ego ?

  2. First thought was, wtf……then, sat back…..and it’s growin on me…..

  3. I vote that no matter what the design of the new rink is, we affectionately call it The Barn

  4. Honestly, a really well designed and architecturally modern arena that is clearly inspired by a barn motif could look cool af. Lucas Oil Stadium has a really unique exterior look for example.

  5. [Posted this before and I stand by it.](

    Ground level should be an expo center, legs should be mostly elevators, arena should be in the body, towers should be a team hotel and luxury condos.

    The horse should breathe fire whenever they score

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