Nabbed this leather jacket at a rummage sale last week. Any idea what year(s) these were sold? I’m guessing early-90’s from the style.

Nabbed this leather jacket at a rummage sale last week. Any idea what year(s) these were sold? I’m guessing early-90’s from the style.

  1. A picture of the tag would help in dating it. Could be 90s, could be a newer retro style. Looks sick either way!

  2. I think my Dad has that jacket but in far worse condition. I think it was mid 90s. Might be 92-96.

  3. I’d assume early 90s based on the style.
    I worked at a Packer Mail-Order store in Green Bay from 95-98 and pretty much saw everything produced in that era and don’t recognize it during that time. Believe it or not, we had a larger inventory than the actual Pro Shop back then. It surely wasn’t what it is now. Heck, WE had PLAYERS coming in for custom jerseys of themselves (for gifts and radio show give-a-way) cause they couldn’t get them from the Pro Shop or even the team, apparently. Hahaha.

  4. my best-friends dad use to have that jacket when I was a kid, wasn’t cheap at the time if I recall.

  5. What’s the brand name? Pro….Starter….something else?? That could help identify the year.

  6. I am not familiar with that brand, but your new jacket is awesome! I would agree with others and date it somewhere in the 1990’s. Wear it proudly and Go Pack Go!!

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