[Nightengale] RIP Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelos.

[Nightengale] RIP Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelos.

  1. These always feel so gross, trying to be first so bad that they give a cheap and boring tweet announcing it.

  2. Sad for the family. He did a lot of good and a lot of bad. 94 is a life long lived. He cared about the city.

    Glad his family is getting out of here, but RIP

  3. Holy shit. RIP.

    He may have a complicated legacy as an owner but he was a great Baltimorean. He gave shitloads to the University of Baltimore and other civic causes and one year eve gave money to keep city pools open.

    Baseball and its players owe him a debt for flatly refusing to even think about fielding scabs during the strike.

  4. He bought the Birds and ensured they would stay in Baltimore. As an owner, well we all know the details, but as a person he genuinely was a good man. He did a lot for the city of Baltimore.

  5. One of the worst owners in sports who set this team back for a generation. But a great man who loved Baltimore, kept the team in the city, and refused to field replacement players during the 94-95 strike. A complicated legacy but definitely a major part of the teams history.

  6. Say what you will about him, but his refusal to go along with the other owners during the 94 lockout was commendable.

  7. Peter Angelos deeply cared about the Baltimore Orioles and the city of Baltimore. He just was bad at running the team. But anyone who thinks he bought the team as a plaything and never wanted to win is wrong. Just plain wrong.

    Edit to add: He was by far the most pro-labor owner I can think of. The man was going to forfeit games in 1995 rather than allow replacement players.

  8. Damn what a news drop. No wonder the Angelos wanted to sell. That’s now two MLB owners who have passed away in such a short span.

  9. I don’t think any MLB owner can be classified as “pro labour” but if there ever was one close to that, Peter Angelos would have been it. RIP

  10. It’s a shame he ran the team into the ground but he was a badass for the 94 strike

  11. I would always be grateful for his backbone he showed standing up to the owners in ’94. RIP Legend

  12. Peter Angelos was diagnosed with Dementia in 2017-2018. I have worked with that population. Dementia is an awful way to decline and die.

  13. As an international baseball fan, I mostly associate his name with the Cuba vs Baltimore Orioles series. Especially him sitting next to Fidel Castro and the almost militaristic entrance of the teams in Game 1, not to mention the game itself which was basically just an exhibition match, but it was set in scene so pompously by the Cuban regime.

  14. >Born on the Fourth of July in 1929 and raised in Maryland by Greek immigrants, Peter Angelos rose from a blue-collar background to launch a firm in his own name after receiving his law degree from the University of Baltimore in 1961.

    TIL He shared the same birthday with Mr Steinbrenner

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