“There’s no panic in Jacob Fowler, he’s just standing his ground. He has great poise, great presence. It’s not teachable, it’s just something you kinda have. He has so much confidence, he’s a big body. He plays a bit deep into the net allowing the play to come to him.” – NESN

“There’s no panic in Jacob Fowler, he’s just standing his ground. He has great poise, great presence. It’s not teachable, it’s just something you kinda have. He has so much confidence, he’s a big body. He plays a bit deep into the net allowing the play to come to him.” – NESN

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  2. On a team and in a game full of future NHL stars if not superstars, Fowler shines as brightly as anyone on the ice.

  3. >He has great poise, great presence. It’s not teachable, it’s just something you kinda have. He has so much confidence.


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