Aliens challenge us to a seven game series for the fate of our planet. You are Team Earth’s GM. Task one Warrior from each decade from the 1950s through the 2020s, eight man rotation. You get them as they existed in that decade. The alien squad is super balanced so fit and positional need matters!

Aliens challenge us to a seven game series for the fate of our planet. You are Team Earth’s GM. Task one Warrior from each decade from the 1950s through the 2020s, eight man rotation. You get them as they existed in that decade. The alien squad is super balanced so fit and positional need matters!

  1. Wilt Chamberlain C 1960’s

    Chris Mullin 1990s PF

    Rick Barry 1970’s SF

    Stephen Curry 2010s PG

    Stephen Curry 2020s G

    Sleepy Floyd 1980s G

    The teams composition would be better with Nate Thurmond who was a monster but Rick Barry was just too great a player.

  2. Spreewell for mullin. I want some aggression. And obviously kd for iggy. what are you thinking ?this is the fate of the universe not time to be a dumb sentimental fan….

  3. 1950s – idk whoever was good then

    1960s – Wilt Chamberlain

    1970s – Rick Barry

    1980s – Chris Mullin

    1990s – Chris Webber

    2000s – Baron Davis

    2010s – Kevin Durant

    2020s – Steph Curry

  4. 1959 – Arizin

    1962 – Wilt

    1976 – Barry

    1989 – Mullin

    1992 – Tim Hardaway

    2008 – Baron Davis

    2017 – Kevin Durant

    2021 – Stephen Curry

    You really need a centre instead of Tim Hardaway. Chris webber is a short term choice. But maybe Mullin to the 90s and someone who is 80s.

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