Zubac when it’s time to get dominated by every opposing center

Zubac when it’s time to get dominated by every opposing center

Zubac when it’s time to get dominated by every opposing center
byu/IcebergLounge inLAClippers

  1. Zu was doing great until T Lue decided it was PG and Plumlee time and stopped running shit with Harden+Zu actions

    He disappeared right when it was PGs time to cook. Not a coincidence.

  2. Zu is fine, it’s not his fault the team doesn’t hustle back in transition and has zero interior defense when he’s off the court.

  3. Zu doing Zu things. He’s had a great year tho minus the injury. Hopefully he can elevate come playoffs.

  4. Zu is actually one of the better more consistent players on the team with one of the best fg%s in the league. He’s even a presence defensively.

    Offensively, he needs to touch the ball WAY, WAY MORE OFTEN. I don’t even mean to necessarily post up or even for pick and rolls, he needs to touch it as a part of ball movement and it needs to come to him from every player and from random places all over the court and he needs to be setting more picks for more people off the ball.

    Having him basically only involved in the offense with Harden PNRs is way, way too predictable at this point, every team can see that a mile away.

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