Domingo German details ‘dark’ day that he trashed Yankees clubhouse

Domingo German details ‘dark’ day that he trashed Yankees clubhouse

  1. The media decided today was Domingo German day?


    Domingo German: “Sir, I am NOT a drunk, I am am asshole, thank you very much”.

  2. “I dont have a drinking problem, I have an anger management problem” probably not the angle I would be going for, but ok.

  3. “I didn’t drink anything that day,” German said. “I had a few drinks the night before, but I wasn’t incoherent (the next day). I knew exactly what I was doing that day of the game.”



  4. I have a relative just like that. Not an “alcoholic,” just “likes to drink” but can go “a month or two without it!”

    (spoiler: relative is an alcoholic)

  5. Addiction is no joke and I really hope he gets his alcoholism under control. That being said what I saw earlier wasn’t exactly encouraging.

    Thanks for the perfect game and all but the dude got more chances to get his shit together and never really did.

  6. Good riddance. Dude is a big ass baby that is a liability. Sucks that he’s a millionaire because he definitely does not deserve it

  7. Yeah, admitting that sober you thinks that trashing your workplace out of anger is ok isn’t the defense I feel he thinks it is. Hope he truly gets help, but I’m also beyond glad it’s not the Yankees problem anymore.

  8. What a bizarre legacy German will have with the Yankees. If not for that perfect game, he would be almost completely forgotten within a few years of him retiring or leaving the league. But because he had that one game, he will forever be mentioned in the same sentence as Don Larsen, David Wells, and David Cone.

    Kind of sad that he only went to rehab because his family reminded him that he needed the money. Without his drinking and abuse issues, he could have secured a much larger bag in free agency. Not to say he would have been paid an elite-level contract, but he would have easily gotten more than the 2.5 million contract he had with us. And who knows how many of his bad starts were affected by his drinking issues. So much wasted potential

  9. Alcoholism is a fucking beast. I know Domingo isn’t the most sympathetic of characters, but I still do hope he gets the help he needs and is able to recover.

    I’ve spent quite a bit of time in rehab and the changes you see in people from the day they arrive to the day they leave are incredible, so I know rehab could work for anyone and it is just what Domingo needs to get through this.

  10. Jesus, if he’s hitting his partner at a charity event and thrashing the Yankees clubhouse then just imagine how he behaves behind closed doors.

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