Blank: ‘Don’t believe we tampered’ for Cousins

Blank: ‘Don’t believe we tampered’ for Cousins

  1. What the NFL means by tampering is an Owner/HC/GM contacting a player who has not decided to switch teams and convincing him to switch teams that is what is meant by tampering.

    Kirk talking to a Trainer, Chaplain, PR Guy after deciding to come to ATL is really not tampering.

    At most it’s a small fine.

  2. But since we didn’t we’ll be hit hard. If the Aints did this they would get a congratulatory fruit basket from the commissioner.

  3. I honestly think it will be taken into consideration that the Vikings and Kirk had moved on from each other in the weeks previous to the contact. While it might have been a day or two before signing, I don’t think ‘tampering’ will be found. A fine, at worst, and maybe nothing at all will come of it.

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