[Highlight] Cordarrelle Patterson’s top plays of his career

[Highlight] Cordarrelle Patterson’s top plays of his career

  1. Kinda crazy how much better our special teams will be next year. Go from Having to Johnston at P, and Olzewski to Patterson at KR. Khan doing everything he can to upgrade and overhaul the roster

  2. It’s hilarious how a bunch of the clips showed him with one team only to show him scoring on that team next clip.

  3. I wonder what the new kickoff means for kick returns. Do we see a lot of those in the XFL? Will there be a team that just *knows* how to take advantage of the new format?

  4. Holy smokes. How many team has this guy been on? Off the top of my head and from the clips…okay I look it up: Bears, Vikings, Falcons, Patriots, Raiders.

    This is going to be fun. If anybody can get all these new players to come together as a team, it’s coach T.

  5. This offseason has been filled with odd moments for a Steelers and Falcons fan like myself

  6. I’ll never forget him carrying my fantasy team a few years ago as my RB1 lol he’s my goat

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