[Highlight] Miami announcer explains how the Celtics won the 2022 NBA finals

[Highlight] Miami announcer explains how the Celtics won the 2022 NBA finals

  1. This is strange. He’s a pretty good announcer too, had a brain fade there though

  2. you’d think his color guy next to him or somebody from the TV side of things in the control room could’ve said on air or relayed the info into his earphones and corrected him

    i mean there was a long 5 or 6 second pause between when he made his first incorrect statement and when he doubled down on the 2022 NBA finals misinformation the second time around

  3. He probably Mandela effected himself into this universe where the Warriors won.

  4. Took a pause and then decides to double down. And they are Celtic’s rivals…

  5. Man TV networks in Miami can’t even afford credible announcers. Very surprising

  6. We’ve played so bad lately, it made me give a double take and wonder if maybe we did lose lol

  7. Isn’t there supposed to be a color commentator with him???? How did no one correct him? Even after the 5 second pause

  8. Yikes.

    Seriously glad he removed the possible tongue twist explanation 5 minutes later by doubling down!

  9. He got the Wiggs’ points and rebound average correct, but not who won that series 😂

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