Who is taking off tomorrow for Opening Day?? Should be a national holiday.

Who is taking off tomorrow for Opening Day?? Should be a national holiday.

  1. I’m on call, so I can’t take the day off, but I’ll be working from home and watching the game.

  2. Don’t have to take tomorrow off, because games are at 8pm our time. And Good Friday is a holiday, so I couldn’t have wished for a better timing for Opening Day this year.

  3. Took it off for another reason which ended up falling through so now I have the day to watch baseball 🙂

  4. Yep! Got my leave approved two weeks ago and I’m going to buy some beer tonight or tomorrow at a local brewery.

  5. My work schedule lets me be super flexible so I’ll be home most of the day for sure!

  6. I’m sure someone has a good reason, but why doesn’t the MLB schedule opening day for a Saturday? To not compete with March madness?

  7. I’ve got Thursday and Friday off, plus the weekend! Can’t wait to watch baseball and eat a bunch of food. 

  8. Got tomorrow off and will be smoking meat all morning/day in preparation of first pitch.

  9. I’m stoked for Opening Day At The K!

    This will be my 2nd Opening Day in-person!

  10. Count me! I’m definitely off for Opening Day ⚾️Go BRAVES! Then will watch other MLB games all evening on MLB.tv 🏟️

  11. Got a busy day today but tomorrow I will be home all day watching Opening Day with my little guy who just turned one ⚾️

  12. I work shift work and just happen to be off tomorrow. I have informed my wife and my mother in law that I will not be answering the phone or doing anything other than watching baseball all day tomorrow. My to-do lists can wait till my off days next week.

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