Day in the Life with Mikey Poirier, assistant athletic trainer

Day in the Life with Mikey Poirier, assistant athletic trainer

  1. Wonderful! This has shades of Dana Heinze, the equipment manager with the Pittsburgh Penguins who retired not too long ago. He had a Twitter account where he would show what he did to prep, ship and set up everything for games on the road (like fixing the webbing in a goalie’s catching mitt).

    Over time, he started posting about his at-home setup procedures too, but not too long after that, it eventually stopped. After finding out why it made sense though, because he was posting text and images that might be better off it the info was vetted first by management. He wasn’t doing anything bad, and his heart was in the right place. Nice guy…

    This video is good stuff though, because it lets us ‘common folk’ in on the inner workings of the things needed and done to keep the team going.

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