Stripping grading permit applied for event center.

Don’t know what the design looks like yet. But at least the footprint doesn’t look like Costco.

  1. I was looking for it the other day but sadly I can’t find it now… however in the previous pitch the Architecture firm was pitching a new type of stadium which instead of a bowl it’s more like an opera house where each level is overhanging each other with no pillars in the way.

    Supposedly WAY better viewing angles for all types of events, concerts, games, etc.

    There is only like 4-5 of those type of stadiums out there now.

    I hope that it still on the table because that would be pretty cool.

  2. If you look up the FAQ for the event center page on the City’s website, one of the questions is (I’m paraphrasing) Will the event center design be different than the one floated on the previous version? And the City’s answer is (paraphrasing again): YES.

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