… Members Only “Benefits”

… Members Only “Benefits”

  1. BLUE “Impact” tier nets you 5,000 points. For reference, only went with a 20-game saturday plan, after having the full season last year (and getting nothing out of it bar the 10% off concessions). this shit is jokes, stuff you used to get invited to is now under an arbitrary points system.

    and yes, points were already spent on the bobblehead.

  2. Yeah, this is kind of bullshit.

    I went to 3 or 4 pre-game parties last season. I never got the preseason gift as I joined too late. Now, my tier is too low to qualify for even a single pre-game party.

    The weird events? I got invites to them by my rep last season. I’m excited for the Al Leiter/Robin Ventura event, but it feels weird that I had to redeem my points for that and a gold bobblehead – I’m also going to the game where I get the regular bobblehead.

    These intangibles are part of why I valued my membership and keep it. They made it worth paying what I could otherwise spend for my seats and made me really feel like a member rather than just a guy who bought a bunch of tickets at once.

    I am going to voice my displeasure as soon as I get a new rep. Oh yeah, my rep and I had emailed last Friday but then my email to her bounced yesterday.

  3. Thank you for sharing this. Makes me feel extremely justified in not renewing for 2024

  4. Yikes. I dropped my 20 game Saturday planed after they cut a subway series game and reduced playoff access. It just wasn’t worth it anymore. I told my rep exactly why I was dropping in a nice email. She has reached out a few times trying to get me to re-up but glad I didn’t.

  5. I actually contacted my rep last week when I realized, hey! I didn’t get that box of stuff that usually shows up before the season! I moved last spring, so I wondered if maybe it had been sent to my old address, but my rep assured me that “For this season, we have an exciting change.”

    Today I see this nonsense. Same as last year, a few trinkets and experiences (that I *specifically mentioned* I wasn’t referring to). I guess the “exciting change” is that there’s no giftbox, not even the commemorative ticket, just a toy/meetup or two. COOL. *rolls eyes*

  6. Some of these you can only redeem a certain amount of as well and for the events they are for you and a guest. I had originally though the ownership suite was for the entire suite and I could have a huge party with friends…. that would have been amazing.

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