[Highlight] Steph Curry says “night night” to a folding chair

[Highlight] Steph Curry says “night night” to a folding chair

  1. Wow, what a well balanced individual lol I probably would’ve fallen over if I kicked a chair like that

  2. Last time Steph kicked a chair the warriors went on like a 10 game win streak 👀

  3. Honestly that expression is much worse than the other one 😂 Steph spartan kicks the chair & lets the chair know where it is at… Draymond gotta be the biggest fucking idiot in the world to fumble a duo like Steph

  4. Steph starting to understanding how Bron felt back in the day when they was battling, it’s hard being the best player on the team and the others around just can’t keep up or keep doing dumb shit that hinders your legacy and goals.

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