Rube Waddell should be a more well known ballplayer.

He was a contemporary of Cy Young. Would run off the mound to chase fire trucks if he heard them (wanted to help with the fire), opposing fans brought puppies to distract him along with shiny objects, wrestled alligators one offseason, and so many other wild and noteworthy things. For all the tribulations and/or distractions this man was a helluva pitcher. There are tons of YouTube videos about him. I learned of him from a podcast called the Dollop. I encourage any baseball fan that is unfamiliar with the Rube to go down a rabbit hole.

  1. I believe Rube was his nickname because he was not the sharpest. I can’t remember his real name, but Ken Burns baseball talked about his talents.

  2. I totally agree, but dude had some serious mental issues. A total enigma and easily in my top 10 guys I’d go watch if I had a time machine. … Here come my downvotes, but he was 100% operating on r*tard strength.

  3. The Dollop Podcast Episode 12 is about him and it’s pretty informative and hilarious.

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