[Giveaway] Ultimate 49ers Fan Campaign: Win An Epic Dynamic Edge-Lit LED Sign for your man cave – Details Inside!

[Giveaway] Ultimate 49ers Fan Campaign: Win An Epic Dynamic Edge-Lit LED Sign for your man cave – Details Inside!

  1. Greetings, Faithful!

    In the heart of every 49ers enthusiast, a spark ignites when we talk about our squad. That same spark is what inspired me to create arguably one of the coolest pieces of 49ers gear out there – The 49ers RGB Dynamic Edge-Lit LED Sign.


    1 x 49ers LED Sign (Size is 16 x16 inches for this giveaway, you can view the details [here](https://proledsign.com/products/nfl-san-francisco-49ers-football-dynamic-rgb-edge-lit-led-sign-23?variant=44387762012394).



    -Comment below with your most memorable 49ers moment/game and why it sticks with you.

    Stay active and be a part of the discussions!

    -You may enter once and use an account that is at least 2 months old.

    -Winner selection date: 1 winner will be chosen at random next Friday, April 5.

    -If you live outside the US, you must pay for shipping fees.


    The winner will be announced here and we will contact him/her personally for details!

    Redditraffler will be used.

    Good Luck!

    Pro LED Sign

  2. I would love this to add to the start of my 9ers cave in my dorm room! I think my most memorable 9ers moment was when Brock Purdy went into the Dolphins game for Jimmy. I was born in 05, and it had felt like I had been waiting for a franchise quarterback for as long as I could remember, and all of a sudden there’s this basically unknown young substitute in and he is playing the game like no one’s business. I had thought the season was over when Jimmy got hurt, and my surprise when Brock was better than Jimmy and joy at winning the game is something I’m never going to forget. All of a sudden, for the first time in my memory, it felt like the pieces were fitting together in a way they never had before (that I could remember, not having been born in the golden era). I’m never going to forget how happy my entire family was, and how happy I was that day.

  3. Because of this sub I wrote another member who got to have dinner with Jerry Rice and asked the sub to submit a question they would like to ask Jerry Rice. And he’d go through them and select the top 3. We’ll he selected my question. My question was if Jerry Rice ever regretted playing for the Oakland Raiders knowing the rivalry. JERRY RICE said no. The Raiders knew Rice was on the way out and offered him a chance to continue playing the game he loved so much, so he took the offer . So as much as we hate the Raiders, they did our boy a sold . So I get to live knowing Jerry Rice answered a question from me, and I’ll hang my hat on that. Hope this wins the beautiful sign. GO 9ERS QUEST FOR 6 IN PURDY WE TRUST

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