Dodgers keep on spending: Will Smith gets his

Reportedly 10/$140. Interesting. Will make him a Dodger for life (barring trade).

  1. This man deserves more money than that. He’s a good citizen. He’s a great baseball player. He represents the league and the Dodgers very well.

    Never gets arrested.

    Never gets suspended and fined for PED use.

    The Dodgers NEVER have to apologize for his behavior.

    The Dodgers absolutely STOLE his talents for $140M/10.

    But I’m damn glad that he’ll play for my Dodgers for a long, long time now. ⚾️

  2. This is a fucking steal. Draw and quarter his agent. He must have taken a massive discount to stay in LA.

  3. Dodgers spending this offseason is passing GDP of island nations and are quickly catching up to 3rd world country GDP.

    $1,350,000,000 spent THIS fucking offseason.

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