Phillies ad patch😂

What do we think?

  1. They should do a blue taste cake logo for powder blues and a little Wawa goose on the other unis.

  2. Coming north from the DC area on I-95, I know I’m getting close to Philadelphia when I start seeing those billboards, LOL.

  3. I think the Braves’ Quikrete patches are appropriate because they always sink in the playoffs like bad cement.

  4. The patches all look SO BAD. Not sure how long we can hold off but I really hope we continue to.

  5. As long as it’s not a Jawn Morgan or the hideous Barbara ad that were on the trashcans

  6. Oh my god, Steven Singer. I don’t live in the area anymore and the last time I came home, as soon as I got into the Uber at the airport, his voice came across the radio in one of his ads and, when you don’t hear it all the time, the Philly accent is like a hilarious punch in the face. He starts telling me about “laaab greown duyminds” and I’m like holy shit is that what I sound like to everyone 😂

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