[Slater]: An influential member of the organization struck a sensible tone in the tunnel postgame when discussing the reality of the situation: “What? Did we really just expect he was never gonna get ejected again?”

  1. Didn’t the org and Draymond agree not to even engage with refs? It was never an if. Always a when.

  2. Yea but to expect it happening 4 minutes into the 1st q of a game that could make or break their chances to getting in the post season? Dray was on his best behavior for awhile but it’s been noticeable he’s been going at the refs again past couple of weeks. Old habits die hard. Low key on his teammates as well for not separating him from the situation. They should all know better by now tbh.

  3. This right here is why Dray will never change. He’s enabled to the max. I really wonder how much the younger guys actually like him. He would be insufferable as hell to be around 

  4. just for how long will we have to put up with him? fucking cut him if needed and get him some proper help not some paid vacation called “therapy”. man has serius mental health issues

  5. I mean, come the fuck on…

    Yes, I expected Draymond to get ejected again, but that’s *not a good thing*. That’s a negative expectation. I hoped he would show better judgement and that hope was dashed.

    I’m glad it was for yelling at a ref who took offense and not him just whacking an opposing player for no reason, but that’s small comfort in face of what the Warriors are facing right now.

    This equivocation by the Warriors organization doesn’t help anything.

  6. I mean it would be nice, yeah. Honestly don’t feel like it is too much to ask that people improve and grow.

  7. The framing of this is pretty dumb, though. Yes, obviously people expected Draymond to get ejected again. But there’s a big difference between getting ejected arguing calls down 15 in the 4th quarter and not knowing to just shut up and keep it moving 5 minutes into the game.

    Dray deserves the lion’s share of the blame but the org from top to bottom kind of created this feedback loop. I feel for Steph watching him react like he did last night but frankly, his teammates did nothing to stem this type of bullshit years and years ago, so expecting him to change in a few months is just a pipe dream.

  8. I knew he was going to be ejected again. I didn’t think it’d be in the same season.

  9. That first tech was BS. Inadvertent contact with a ref is very inconsistently called.

    But to the main point, he was gonna get ejected again. It was bad timing, but it’s almost never good timing

  10. Honestly, I don’t mind Dray getting ejected here and there for non physical reasons. I do mind however Dray unable to keep his cool in the moment at the end of the season when we need him just to MAYBE make the play in tournament.

  11. I expect the organization to adequately manage toxic personalities with decling skills that are net negatives. The product is not fun with Kerr and draymond.

  12. I mean, he hasn’t stopped doing it even after his antics cost them a ring.

    He hasn’t stopped despite punching his own teammate and ruining their chemistry.

  13. Thank you lol but Warriors/NBA media and about 90% of “fans” would legitimately answer yes to that question from atop their high horses.

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