[Seth Kaplan] Glen Taylor with @ChadHartmanShow when asked if the reason for this happening is because the franchise might be worth double what he was selling it for: “Partly so, yes. I have a responsibility to those who have been on this ride for the last 40 years.” Amazing. Crude.

[Seth Kaplan] Glen Taylor with @ChadHartmanShow when asked if the reason for this happening is because the franchise might be worth double what he was selling it for: “Partly so, yes. I have a responsibility to those who have been on this ride for the last 40 years.” Amazing. Crude.

  1. Honestly if Arod made a memecoin and called it Naz Reid, idc if Arod rugpulls me. Take the money and buy this team

  2. This is really incredible. As dumb as it would be, I can honestly believe that he’s doing this without consulting with any attorneys first. Otherwise, I’d have to imagine that his attorney would have instructed him to not say anything.

  3. Here is my take, could be off by a mile cause I don’t know this stuff but what I have gathered.

    So it sounds like Glen agreed to a poor deal to start. Maybe he got outsmarted, maybe it just turned out that way unexpectedly. Either way, it was a bad deal because in the timeframe the deal took place, the Wolves value doubled. Now Glen is butthurt because he realizes he is getting hosed big time. He did not get where he is today by getting hosed. He’s the hosser, not the hossee. So at his first legal opportunity, he has backed out of the deal because that’s what a shrewd businessman does, that’s how you become Glen Taylor.

    Arod and Lore, who maybe had this plan from the start, get outplayed. now they are in a legal battle. Glen will probably win. Arod and Lore will probably back out in the end and sell their shares for a profit still, this was possibly a risk they were aware of from the start. It’s still a win/win because they get some profit though it is a major blow to lose the team.

    That’s my current thoughts.

  4. If the team was complete horseshit right now and worth less Taylor would absolutely be trying to use the media to push this deal through to completion.

  5. I could see Lore and aRod in protest gluing themselves to the floor or chaining themselves to the basket stanchions next home game!

  6. Glen is old as shit. Hopefully, he learned his lesson and pays up the ass in luxury tax before he croaks. (Although i doubt he will) His net worth is 600 million more with this deal falling through

  7. As a Manchester United fan I thought the saga with new ownership there was a headache but then this comes along. Fuck Glen Taylor anyway. Taylor out

  8. This whole thing just reeks of a setup to once again squander the best years of the only great player to ever grace us in an Old Shep uniform since KG.

  9. I doubt it, but please somehow, someway, the courts gotta allow this deal to go through.

  10. “I have a responsibility to those who have been on this ride for the last 40 years.” GO THE FUCK AWAY THEN

  11. F Taylor, he has presided over mediocrity for decades. This was an opportunity to move on a build a new team culture with a finally winning team.

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