[The Roommates Show] Isaiah Hartenstein on players finding out he’s black

[The Roommates Show] Isaiah Hartenstein on players finding out he’s black

  1. Ngl I was a little suspicious, but all you gotta do is hear his voice lmao

  2. because they still don’t really make it entirely clear, look up “Florian Hartenstein” and it’ll start making sense

  3. Bill Simmons’ podcast the other day did an All-Defense draft: all 5 positions, a 6th man and a white guy. Hartenstein got taken as one of the white guys.

  4. “Explain your blackness” made me laugh more than anything else I’ve heard today.

    Also made me laugh since Bill Simmons and Ryen Russillo just did a “best defensive team” draft on Simmons’s podcast, with a category of having to pick a white guy, and I think Russillo picked Hartenstein or maybe they just mentioned that he would’ve been the next pick, I forget.

  5. You get about 47-48% of your DNA from your dad, if his dad is about 50% black, it doesn’t mean he automatically inherits 25% black. He might find he only inherited 8-10%. Regardless, any % I’m surprised when looking at Hartenstein.

  6. As a non-American I still cannot understand why somebody that looks like him is called black; I got it, in the old days he would go to the back of the line or would probably be indicted if he married a white woman. He has African ancestry, but no where outside of the USA he would be considered black.

  7. I’d never heard his voice before, and seeing that face, in that tone, say “my level of blackness…” man I lost it.

  8. I grew up around a lot of mixed kids who came out completely white skinned, surprisingly common

  9. Had the pleasure of meeting him at Disneyland randomly. Super chill dude and a fan for life after that interaction.

  10. We’re so weirdly one drop rule still in the US when it comes to mixed race people.  His dad is already mixed race obviously.  He can and should identify as whatever his culture/heritage is but proclaiming him explicitly black is also weirdly regressive feeling.  

  11. Hitler would be so confused; looks white, jewish last name and half black….

  12. The crazy part to me is just that he sounds American lmao, I thought he was gonna sound more German

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