We’re still waiting…

We’re still waiting…

  1. This guy is so full of shit, he grew up in Jupiter Florida, you know, where Tiger lives, where Greg Norman lives!

  2. Ooof, not a good way to start the season.

    Can’t have too many more outings like that if bitchboy wants to reach his lofty 4.50 ERA goal 🤭

  3. By “stick it” maybe he meant throw lots of meatballs, in which case, he did a fantastic job.

  4. Looks like the people in the Cards sub aren’t big fans of Midwest Farmer Boy by way of Florida either.

  5. Honestly not a bad performance for a humble farmer. Try to remember that Miles had been up since 5 AM feeding his calves.

  6. Maybe the Cardinals should play more checkbook baseball and less “Make a 4.50 ERA our ace” baseball.

    But what do I know?

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