Reporter: “Your game seems to be getting better as that season goes on.” Juraj Slafkovsky: “Yeah I’m just warming up.”

Reporter: “Your game seems to be getting better as that season goes on.” Juraj Slafkovsky: “Yeah I’m just warming up.”

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  2. I hope whatever ailed him enough to miss a few practices is healed so he can play for Slovakia soon. He goes super saiyan when he puts that jersey on lmao

  3. Fuck, would I ever love to see him represent Slovakia again.

    I’ll admit I don’t watch many international tournaments if NHLers aren’t involved. I’ve seen the highlights/goals he scored at the Olympics before we drafted him, but I didn’t put much stock into it as I was fully on the Wright train.

    Getting to follow him through a major tournament, and properly support him would be awesome!

  4. Another awesome game by the Slovakian Beast. That power move to the net was so alpha.



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