Best big man in the world is gonna come back, so is the best 2-man game in the NBA.

Best big man in the world is gonna come back, so is the best 2-man game in the NBA.

  1. We don’t know when exactly, but we’re at the end of the dark tunnel and we can finally see light.

  2. He’s been taking sooooo much crap. It started when he was playing hurt but at this point it’s wildly unfair.

    But….. I have a dream. I want this mothertrucker to come back angry. I want him to play with a purpose. I want people to say, “He’s OBVIOUSLY this year’s MVP outside of the injury.”

    Remember in superman 2 when he lost his powers? Rocky, the fat dude in the diner, beat him up and took away his pride. Then, after he got his powers back he returned to the diner and made things right?

    Joel, that is playbook for this season. Go make it right.

    Edit: Just in case you forgot, [](

  3. he’s gonna come back and make everyone realize that jokic’s mvp this year is going to be a perfect attendance trophy

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