This man must be allergic to the bay

As soon as we trade his slumping ass he is going to start cranking, I just know it 😫

  1. It took him til we went 7,349 feet above sea level to hit his first home run with us 😂

  2. I knew this was going to happen then started following the game and saw haniger home run. WTF man

  3. He was hurt practically the whole time he was here. So that may have been a factor in his poor play. Yes, it was the right move to trade him and dump that contract.

  4. He was injured while here, I got downvoted for suggesting it would have been better to keep him and sign Snell. But I’m guessing this trade was made before we had any idea we could get Snell.

  5. Seattle is a poverty franchise. Much easier to play well when there’s no pressure to win.

  6. He’s a very good player, its a shame it didn’t work out here. was dealt a bad hand with bad luck injuries, first the oblique and then HBP that resulted in a broken arm. Couldnt really expect him to be a big time contributor with practically no spring or consistent play. With the emergence of Matos and Meckler last year and the Lee signing, plus the return we got for him in offloading Disco and getting Ray it was a no brainer to make the trade. Will always root for the guy, especially being local

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