It was very clear on Saturday that Fletcher Cox was wearing a 2024 Phillies jersey and Jason Kelce was wearing a 2023 Phillies jersey. MLB should be embarrassed. It looks like Fletch was wearing a kids replica jersey. The lettering and numbers look small on the back. The chest logo is also smaller and flat because it is no longer chain stitched. The whole thing looks cheap compared to what Jason was wearing.
Good thing I already vowed to never buy a jersey since they switched from majestic
The real tragedy is that nasty cream color .. the Giants have them too and I have never liked them
Nothing will come of this. Manfred knows the complaining will die down in a few months
MLB told the manufacturer to move the nlb logo down, thus creating less space for the name. This has already been covered and I can see it being corrected next year
I didn’t think the new ones were that bad, until I saw them side by side like this. Is MLB that cheap that they have to pinch pennies on the uniforms? What in the world are we doing?
1 it’s not a big difference
2 why do you even care about such minor things?
The Phillies cream unis are less white this year
The smaller font doesn’t bother me. The loop stitching looks better. Ultimately, on the field, without old jerseys next to them, they look fine. But, I don’t get outraged by clothing. Plenty of more important things for me to worry about.
The hate for the new jerseys cracks me up. It’s a metaphor for baseball as a whole. It’s an old timey game and the people who love the sport don’t want anything to change

Why they do my boy like that 😓