Philly sports media really is just awful.

  1. Because they aren’t just jerking off the organization?

    They might be right.

  2. pHiLlY sPoRtS mEDiA iS tErRiBlE wHy dO tHeY QuEsTiOn THe tEaM tHeY aRe jUst sUpPoSEd tO wRiTe pOsiTiVe sTuFf…..i oNlY wAnT tHe mEdIA tO cIrCle jErK thE iGgLes anD pHiLlies anD fLyeRs…fUcK tHe sIxErS tHoUgH …..tHeY rEallY dO sUcK

    Alright now that i’m done mocking you smooth brains who cry like middle schoolers about Philly media to get upvotes online and positive reinforcement on social media…

    Their job is to cover the good and bad decisions of Philly Sports teams. When its good they give em credit, when it’s obviously bad they don’t pull punches. When its a questionable decision that needs fleshing out they discuss it and question it. Its literally their job. You want a Philly circle jerk just go to Youtube Click bait Channels that just pat Howie on the ass for every fucking decision he makes.

    Your bitchy posts about philly media are gettin old

  3. And until we stop giving it clicks and interactions (like posting it to a subreddit of 100s of thousands… it will continue to be.

  4. Article is fair. Sirianni is most certainly on the hot seat. I just don’t necessarily think the culture will take a catastrophic shift from what it was, even with two legends retiring. Plenty of vets on this team including THE vet himself in BG. Fans should be bullish on next season IMO.

  5. Rofl.. whatever team this nfl exec works for it’s nearly guaranteed they haven’t had half the success the birds have had in the past 20 years. I’m betting they’re in the division… cause it sounds a lot like wishful thinking.

  6. What’s weird is how ppl keep going out their way to talk about how they lost Kelce and cox like they were 2 players in their prime we suddenly lost. EVERYONE was aware their retirements were coming up. Eagles prepared for this by getting Jalen fucking Carter and cam jurgens. So I don’t get why ppl act surprised. Eagles will be alright. JFC

  7. Nah it’s fair. I think the change of guard is a good thing. Fletch was out of tread and we were giving Kelce CTE.

    We also brought in a few guys that have plenty to prove and/or want to get paid more. Eyes on the draft and fresh coaching staff + mandatory minicamp.

    Already fielding a palatable and intriguing roster. I hope the birds are underdogs they play better when they’re not smelling themselves.

  8. Idk what they were supposed to do about Kelce and Fletch retiring, Father Time is undefeated.

    Sirianni is coaching for his job this year, thought that was pretty well known.

    Another team’s exec granted anonymity is trying to stir something up. Nothing new or all that interesting here imo

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