Today In “How much we’ve been getting fvcked this season “ news

Today In “How much we’ve been getting fvcked this season “ news

  1. I just want to say, I have never seen a player attempt to dunk as much and be turned away without a foul as much as Kelly Oubre this year.

    I’m not saying they’re always fouls, but he ALWAYS tries to dunk it with two hands and he either makes it or he doesn’t but he isn’t getting those calls. And that’s before he was blacklisted by the refs for obvious reasons.

  2. Been saying for years that the league will never want the Sixers to win anything as long as Joel is here. He is the physical representation of the shameless tanking movement that resulted from Hinkie’s success and the league hates it

  3. This just in.. water is wet! Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

    Seriously, no surprise here, we’ve been watching it with out own eyeballs. It started in the very first game of the season where Giannis got away with a travel and the Sixers lost by 1.

  4. If we just had one more win from one of these fucked up calls it would be so much more plausible to get out of the playin

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