what was the best blue jays logo?

what was the best blue jays logo?

  1. OG

    I had forgotten how tragic some of these were LMAO…1997-2011 were bad.

    I think the ideal logo would be a combo of the OG, ‘12-‘19, and current version.

  2. OG is most pleasing to the eye. “Blue Jays” is clear and legible. 12-19 is similar, but the outside circle adds too much and makes it too busy. OG colors are legit.

  3. 97 & 12 are the best. Today’s is too…clean. 01 makes me horny and 04 reminds me too much of the rays

  4. Well from 1997 to 2011 I bought zero Jay’s merch, so I was pretty happy to see the original style logo come back in 2012. The current logo is really clean too.

  5. 12-19 was perfection/the best of both worlds OG and new, and they never should have changed it.

    04-11 was awful. I remember those jerseys, and just being like what are they thinking? They had such a classic look and logo, and they gave it up for that?

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