*Sigh* After last night’s game, we need another PSA: Giants fans don’t do the wave! Don’t disappoint your Candlestick ancestors!

*Sigh* After last night’s game, we need another PSA: Giants fans don’t do the wave! Don’t disappoint your Candlestick ancestors!

  1. People are gonna start calling hating on the dodgers gate keeping next. “What’s wrong with being a dodgers fan, just let people like what they like” 🤢

  2. Uh oh… look out for all the douchy “gatekeeping” comments. Why are people suddenly so enamored with calling people “gatekeepers?” Go away, Zuul. Go away!

  3. Obviously you shouldn’t belittle or personally attack a casual fan (or child) for doing it, but yes. 

    We do not do the wave, we do not hit beach balls, we arrive on time, and we don’t leave until the fat lady sings. If these principles don’t align with your fandom, I would suggest finding a new team. 

  4. I’ve been a giants fan for 20+ years and this is the first I’m hearing the don’t do the wave thing! Can someone KINDLY Elaborate on why this is??

  5. This shit is so dumb. Makes me wanna do it. I seriously don’t get how anyone could possibly care, just let people have fun.

  6. Only wave allowed at the Stick was at SF’s finest when escorting out a fellow baseball enthusiast from the stadium. Usually it was more of a one fingered peace sign, but it started with a wave

  7. You know what, if there are that many new fans, that have never heard of this “tradition”, then either petition the giants as an org, or be happy that there’s a new generation of fans at the stadium, or just new fans in general.

    Y’all look like a bunch of tidwad old neighbors yelling at clouds about this, and it’s fucking embarrassing.

  8. I’d love to see the rest of that shirt. Although I gotta say, I liked the dot race.

  9. The wave is objectively horrible. It’s mindless; it’s stupid; it’s a distraction from the actual game; and most of all, it’s not fun or funny. Don’t do it!!!

  10. Fuck you, you old boring shit heads. Let people have fun. There’s so much fucking downtime in a baseball game. Just sit when it passes you by for one second.

  11. It’s funny cause I grew up going to games at the stick and remember having fun doing the wave, hitting beach balls and the other stuff these boomers have decided is taboo. These post have such sad, desperate energy and I think the bad juju is directly to blame for team’s slow start.

  12. Dude, this shirt unlocked a core memory of my uncle when I was a kid. He says it bit the dust a long time ago. I’d love a full pic of all the rules to help him relive some memories if its possible!

  13. I hate the wave too, but I can’t stand you pretentious gatekeeping cucks.


  14. I’m not personally a waver, but who cares? Is the Giants fan identity built solely upon not doing what other fans do? That’s dumb, and frankly, weak. Why base our traditions on other fan bases? Fuck them, we do what we want. Do what you like, enjoy the game. Dodger fans eat hot dogs. Guess I’m not supposed to eat a hot dog now?

  15. All the complaining about the wave makes me want to do it even more. Just let people have a good time. Is it hurting anyone?

  16. TBF, there were a lot of people booing when the wave came to their section. So its not like everyone doesn’t know.

  17. I’ve been a Giants fan since the 80’s and didn’t know about this wave thing. That being said, I’d rather participate in the wave than watching another god damn GIDP for the 3rd fucking year in a row.

  18. Will never do it since I’m not a fan of it, but I’m even moreso not a fan of telling other people what they can or can’t do at the stadium. Not saying this to you OP, but if you’re at the stadium there’s no need to be a Karen if you see fans doing the wave.

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