Please go back to the old ticket website. This new design is terrible

Please go back to the old ticket website. This new design is terrible

  1. The new section layout should really have colors to differentiate pricing. The new seating layout is actually kinda good imo

  2. I like this layout. Much easier to tell where and what the seat looks like in relation to the field/aisles/sections.

    I do wish you didn’t have to click on individual sections to browse available seats. I’d like to see it where you could zoom in and pan to see all seats at all sections.

  3. Ok everyone. I somewhat take back my initial hatred. When you play around with it more it’s actually a pretty good improvement on a lot of things. I like the individual section view where it’s easier to see what seat you’re getting. I also like how the individual seats are color coded by price. And the seat view is pretty clutch.

    But I still stand by the whole stadium view is terrible. They need to color coat the section pricing. Ideally I’d like if they used the old format for the stadium view, and then the new format for the section and seat views. Also, since we can pan to other sections in the section view, they should load those seats too

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