Kansas City Chiefs’ Rashee Rice drove 119 mph seconds before crash, per police

Kansas City Chiefs’ Rashee Rice drove 119 mph seconds before crash, per police

  1. I hope he appreciates how lucky he is, cause he’s most likely getting a second chance, and will get no leeway if he fucks up again

  2. Bad man does bad things. More at 11.

    edit: my bad guys. It should read “local hero blackmailed in car crash”

  3. I am Canadian, so it took me a moment to process the number (because 119 kmh is fast but people do it all the time) and then I did the conversion and went holy shit. Because that is insanely fast.

  4. I still dont get how these guys are rich enough to rent race tracks but still choose situations where if they mess up they either die or go to jail.

  5. Rashee Ruggs. You had everything ahead of you. The goat throwing to you. Already a fan favorite. Fing Idiot

  6. Fucking idiot. I don’t want him on the team. Disagree all you want, the team should have moral standards.

  7. ![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG)

    On a public road with 100s if not 1000s of people being put at risk.

    Imagine if he ran into a vehicle with a family or a school event bus. Dude needs help!

    Remember they also took the hard drugs and guns in that bag the guy was carrying most likely.

  8. He’s in deep shit. Rice is in his second year of a rookie contract. The kid has blown it all, probably has $100 in his bank account and he doesn’t get paid for several months. Dashcam video, his confession and they haven’t even charged him with leaving the scene and all of that video. There won’t be a plea deal and, unless there are drugs and guns, he has zero to offer Dallas prosecutors. At this point they will let him pick which felonies he wants to plead guilty to and beg the Judge for leniency. Chiefs and NFL will decide on their move after disposition of the charges. He shouldn’t be here for offseason workouts.

  9. I’ll get downvoted, but he deserves years in prison for this. Seriously, it doesn’t matter to me that he got lucky and didn’t kill anybody, he’s no better a person than any other street racer that’s killed innocent people.

  10. I hope he ha at minimum 6 game suspension. Tired of athletes getting special treatment.

  11. Really looking forward to reading a post about RR one day where I don’t have to mutter “idiot” under my breath as soon as I read the headline.

  12. Just wins the Superbowl as a rookie, the bonafide no.1 WR for the forseeable future on the best team in the NFL, catching passes from the best QB, getting plays from the best offensive coach. As a 23 year old or whatever he is, I’m sure he doesn’t think anything wrong can happen to him.

    Drives 120mph, drugs and likely guns in the car, maybe worse, which is why he runs.

    This easily could have ended up with his son growing up without a father, either dead or in jail, or someone else the same.

    He’s lucky that he can still turn this around before his 2nd contact. Dude has only made like 800k so far in his career, he’s not exactly loaded.

  13. So many people on here wanting to punish him for things that “could have” happened. I’m so glad none of you are in the legal system as we’d all be fucked for shit that we could have done.

  14. Dude could not keep 119mph under control, that’s stupid…… Wait a sec, googling 119 mph to Km/h…. holy shit 200km per hour! That guy is crazy doing that in the city. Lucky he didn’t kill somebody.

    Ps my car also goes 200km/h, I have to drive it off a pretty high mountain cliff to do it, but it will make it.

  15. He is a dumb shit, but my favorite part of these posts are all the “what ifs” and the “he could haves”

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