The Arizona experiment has ended

The Arizona experiment has ended

  1. Meeting notes

    “Show of hands, anybody here ever been to Utah on purpose?” – GM

    “🤬🖕” – Players

    “That’s not a hand” – GM

  2. Coyotes still work as a name in Utah, if this is the case hope it works out for them and they keep things mostly the same

  3. That kachina jersey is still the second coolest. Will have to snag some merch before it goes away.

  4. I’m sorry I love our sport, but this to me has always been a shit show. Good riddance..

  5. This is why professional sports franchises should be owned by cities and not billionaire a-holes. Green Bay Packers arel a good example.

  6. First thing I am doing when I buy NHL 25 is relocate Salt Lake City to Phoenix. Just for the lols.

  7. Sorry to all the fans who were loyal to the team and supported it for all these years.

    It’s gotta be tough.

  8. NHL will spin this as temporary and getting a team back in the desert will become a top priority

  9. Dumb question: can the players just say fuck it and not go? Not all of them, but if anyone is not happy with the decision, are they contractually bound to follow the team anyway?

  10. As an Oakland A’s fan, I feel the pain of Yotes fans. So sorry that they’re losing their team.

  11. That franchise is cursed. Second relocation of its career. On a serious note to Arizona fans this really sucks for you guys. I have never really liked or disliked you guys but even though this was definitely coming eventually it just feels so wrong inside to not have you guys around. Maybe eventually you guys will get another shot at an Arizona team but for now this is the end sadly.

  12. So uh.. can Winnipeg get back it’s history then? We’ll trade you Atlanta’s history

  13. I will always remember everyone wearing white during the playoffs in their earlier days. It was pretty neat (and white jerseys for home team is also neat).

  14. I still feel like theres going to be a massive rug-pull on April 18, where the league just announces the team is staying at Mullet Arena for the next season.

  15. I really can’t believe this crap went on for 28 YEARS! To the point that the franchise that was moved there GOT THEIR TEAM BACK & THIS KEPT GOING ON! Hubris.

  16. It kinda breaks my heart that everyone hates on my state. I’ve lived here since I was 5, worked at a job that took me literally everywhere in this country. I’m not LDS, I’m a serious drinker, and my wife smokes the pot daily. SLC proper has a huge LGBTQ group downtown. The nightlife is not terrible. To be in the mountains it’s literally a 30 min drive. I hate the mormans but I love the state. This place has some serious shit to offer. It’s beautiful. The state does more every year to save the GSL from drying up. Before anyone talks crap spend time with the non-mormons. You’ll figure out this place really has some great perks.

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