Kucherov with a sneaky right elbow to Tom Wilsons head.

Kucherov with a sneaky right elbow to Tom Wilsons head.

Kucherov with a sneaky right elbow to Tom Wilsons head.
byu/GreenSnakes_ innhl

  1. Obviously this is illegal and deserves to be called. But it’s really annoying watching professional tough guys flail around after something like this, then go get in an actual fight and shrug off a dozen punches to the head.

  2. Didn’t look too sneaky to me but I guess the ref didn’t see it. Like they see anything to make the right call anyway…

  3. I’m all for physical play, and giving guys like Wilson their just due. But to do it with an elbow like that? Not a fan. I really dislike Tom Wilson, but this isn’t the way.

  4. Caps fan.

    Honestly, he was due, though.

    He hit Kuch in the back previously.

    This is playground fight stuff.

  5. Kucherov is a dirty player that gets away with a lot. Ended Guhle’s season with a hit from behind with no repercussions.

  6. Looks like Wilson getting a taste of his own medicine to me. Never forget the pendulum swings both ways

  7. As noted above, Willy had croschecked Kuch just as egariously earlier in the shift. The Caps feed even showed it on replay, allowing their announcers to shut up and move on. Good on stripes letting them play through it

  8. If one shithead elbows another shithead in the forest can you hear Matthew Tkachuk whine to the refs?

  9. Normally I’d be giving Kucherov shit for being a dirty player but I think taking out Tom Wilson just moved him up my Hart ballot.

  10. Tom Wilson deserves this. And every other elbow to the chops that he gets in the future.

  11. I love Wilson & despise Tampa, but that looked like a bit of a dive to me. Kucherov was aware he was coming to him though.

  12. Dirty and intentional as shit, but I’m conflicted as it’s against wilson. Seeing him get hurt makes me a little happy.

  13. The refs need to get ready for the playoffs as well. Here’s a perfect example of both refs watching a player from a sun belt team commit an egregious penalty while pretending they didn’t see a thing. So seamless and believable. I think they’re ready.

  14. Couldn’t have happened to a cleaner player with a sterling reputation for fair play and sportsmanship. I hope Kucherov gets a lifetime ban for such a horrendous act…

  15. Tom Wilson. He’s a talented player who has chosen to be a goon himself instead. Karma is a bitch.

  16. Wilson’s 6 foot 4. Why is his head low enough for Kucherov to hit? He’s put himself in a vulnerable position there.

    I dislike both players but Wilson’s just a goon who enjoys ending careers and seasons. Kucherov is dirty but he’s undoubtably one of the most skilled players.

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