Flyers & Devils Fans Trade Punches During Wild Brawl In The Stands With One Fan Being Tossed Several Rows | OutKick

Flyers & Devils Fans Trade Punches During Wild Brawl In The Stands With One Fan Being Tossed Several Rows | OutKick

  1. Fights in the stands aren’t necessarily abnormal, but they are at least less frequent at “early” weekend games where the fan base includes far more families and younger kids.

    This happened at a particularly quiet point in the game and you heard an eruption of cheering/yelling from ~210, and as everyone looked over this person went flying.

  2. I wonder how it got to this point. This is the reason if I ever go see the Flyers outside the Farg, I’m pretending to be a Minnesota Wild fan.

  3. Jesus christ, this is how you fucking killing someone, have you all forgotten what happened in the New England Miami game? Idc if I get downvoted for this but holy fuck that coulda ended badly if the person who got tossed down multiple rows landed wrong.

  4. That was two rows, not several. Really more like one and a half. Not okay but the headline is ridiculous

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