Adams (ONCE AGAIN) is clearing the air that he wants to be a “Raider for life” and has no intentions of leaving Las Vegas anytime soon.

Adams (ONCE AGAIN) is clearing the air that he wants to be a “Raider for life” and has no intentions of leaving Las Vegas anytime soon.

  1. I mean, you see what dudes getting paid these next couple years. Dude ain’t giving that up, if anything it would be the front office and TT that would make that decision

  2. His contract can be restructured. When you have a player with Adams stature wanting to be Raiders for life, you find a way.

  3. In what planet does a high profile millionaire professional athlete would not want to be Vegas? I get wanting to get out of Green Bay but Sin City? Tax free too.

  4. My man wants this organization to be great again!
    He’s a huge piece to that being accomplished..
    Who wouldn’t want to play and learn from this man?

  5. I keep preaching you do not move this man unless he requests it. We will not get equivalent value and more importantly he WANTS to be here

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