This year’s CBJ attendance looks to be the most-attended season since 2003-2004

This year’s CBJ attendance looks to be the most-attended season since 2003-2004

  1. I mean, that’s good for long-term success of the team to have a dedicated fan base, but I hope it doesn’t make the organization complacent in not trying to improve the team. 

  2. I always take praise of attendance with a grain of salt when I see throngs of visiting fans in our lower bowl. Context is important.

  3. Cool. Can we go back to ticket prices from ’03, too?

    I totally refuse to pay as much as tickets are today to watch them almost assuredly lose.

    I’ve got no problem sluming it at the top row of the 220s for 5-10 bucks and watching us lose. But those things are going for WAY too much for the product on the ice.

  4. This is probably one of the reasons why the CBJ has never been a consistently good team, and barring a few playoff games here and there, and probably never will. Kind of disgusting if you ask me, how the fanbase has been “rewarded” for years of loyalty. The ownership knows that most of the fans will support the team no matter what. I honestly think the majority of CBJ fans aren’t even hockey fans, just specifically CBJ fans, who want something to do in the winter months and the team *is* in a major league (even though the NHL pales next to the NFL, MLB, and NBA).

    The hardcore fanbase like people here, remain hopeful year after year only to get disappointed. The last couple of years have been really rough though. With this team, it’s ALWAYS, next year or the next few years with all the young talent in the pipeline, yada, yada, yada…

    Things aren’t going to change and even if the fans stop coming and stop supporting the team (which I doubt will happen for many reasons). This is an ownership/NHL management issue, I think. CBJ has its place in the scheme of things and this is it.

  5. It’s great and all, but I do sometimes worry if the solid attendance means less incentive to put the work in to change anything. 20+ years in and we still have the expansion-team vibe where people show up because we’re just so happy to actually have a team. I mean, sure, it’s still true but sooner or later we have to step it up on-ice to be taken seriously in this league.

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