AI-generated concepts for a Utah Raptors NHL team from Twitter. Which is your favorite?

AI-generated concepts for a Utah Raptors NHL team from Twitter. Which is your favorite?

  1. Raptors is the only name I’ve seen I love. Yeti is so soft. Nobody is afraid of that lol

  2. Utah Yeti (no S like Seattle Kraken) has to be the choice. But of your selections, the fifth is the best.

  3. I love the concept, but feels like 30 years of the Ogden Raptors existing might make this tough?

  4. Really hope the team’s primary color is purple. It would be a distinctive look compared to the rest of the league and would be an opportunity for some uniformity with the Jazz, assuming we finally ditch the black and yellow.

  5. What prompts did you use? I can’t draw for shit so unwanted to try AI but it’s not coming out very good

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