Josh learning about moles instead of training he is failing us guys

Josh learning about moles instead of training he is failing us guys

Josh learning about moles instead of training he is failing us guys
byu/Zestyclose_Main6335 inbuffalobills

  1. Part of my job is doing social media for our company, and this has taught me that if we catered our content toward moles, we might seriously boost our engagement

  2. Why would you post this? Now u/vbstarr91 will get confirmation Josh has fallen off and doesn’t take anything football related seriously! /s

  3. Webs in feet so they can efficiently shovel backwards = good at backpedaling

    Mostly eats insects and worms = high protein diet

    Can travel 6 km in 24 hrs = good endurance 


  4. Oh no, are they getting people to love moles to change make a team name change easier?

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