Red Sox appear to be wearing the older nike uniforms today

Red Sox appear to be wearing the older nike uniforms today

  1. Did you think Fanatics was going to be able to facilitate commemorative jerseys for every player a whole year in advance?

  2. Proper batterman placement, wider placket and headspoon, and non see through materials. Take notes, Nike!

  3. Fanatics probably: You need how many 42s!?!? And they have to be sturdy enough to pay respect to a legend??? Yeah just use the old ones.

  4. I knew there was something different about them, I am watching on my phone so I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

  5. Fuck yeah. Think I saw something where Bryce Harper also wore last years jersey the other day. What I would kill for the entire league to have a Spartacus moment over these garbage uniforms

  6. Probably because MLB didn’t want to fuck up Jackie Robinson day. Lord knows how hard the blowback would’ve been if they did.

  7. Haven’t been keeping up to date, but habe other teams received all their jerseys yet? Blue jays haven’t played in their baby blues yet and people are saying its because they haven’t been sent them yet which makes no sense. Its their best uniform lol

  8. The dodger blue “42” is odd to me. Idk when they changed that for every team but I don’t think that change was needed. I get why to pay homage to Jackie, though it just looks out of place

  9. Hopefully this is because it is illegal to put Jackie Robinson’s number on a dog sh*t, 6 thread count, fanatics “Jersey.”

  10. I’m guessing the Fanatics jerseys weren’t ready in time. Seems like that’s happened with a lot of alternative jerseys this year.

  11. Makes sense, I’m sure that Nike couldn’t deliver every team’s Jackie Robinson jersey today just like they’ve failed to deliver a lot of special jerseys so far this year.

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